Welcome to the world of Colors & Craftmanship

About Us

Bespoke Kente & More

At GOBA KENTE, we are steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding our cultural heritage while embracing innovation. Our mission is to celebrate and cherish the legacy of Kente worldwide, ensuring our master craftsmen receive the recognition they deserve.

Meet our Team

As you don the Kente, remember the legacy of strength and dignity it represents

Naana Agyaponmaa

Store Manager

Alfred Quainoo

Social Media Manager

Mary Ofosu-Buruwaa

Sales Assistant

We love
Kente & You

Our structured organizational hierarchy ensures seamless sales coordination, order supervision, and task allocation. Weekly meetings and comprehensive reports guide our progress, fostering a culture of collective input and expertise. We aspire to establish a dedicated weaving center, enhancing our efficiency and creativity.

“Kente brings together the threads of tradition, culture, and identity”

The stories

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